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7 Easy Steps To Manifest A Specific Person

How to manifest a specific person: Black couple hug and kiss each other in the street


Are you ready to manifest a specific person into your life?

Perhaps this person is someone whom you were good friends with, have not had contact with for many years, and would like to get back in touch with them. Maybe they are an ex-partner whom you want back, or maybe they are even a stranger.

Whatever the scenario, you can take the below steps to manifest your specific person into your life.

1. Be specific about what you want

It is important to know exactly what you want in order to receive it. Yes, you may want to manifest a specific person, but think about why you want to manifest that person and be sure to establish what that relationship would look like.

If you don’t get specific about what you want, you run the risk of the universe filling in the gaps for you, meaning you may not get everything you desire out of the relationship.

The easiest way to be specific about what you want is by writing it down! You should also refer to what you have written down often in order to keep up the momentum and focus your energy on it.

For example, you may want to ask yourself and write down the following:

  • What would the dynamics of your relationship be like with the specific person?
  • What would you do together?
  • What will they add to your life?
  • What will you add to theirs?
  • How will they treat you?
  • When they come into your life will it be like old times? Or will it be better than it was before?

2. Visualize your specific person

You have written it down, now this is the most fun part of manifesting your specific person, you are going to get your creative juices flowing and Imagine what you want.

Visualization will help you manifest your specific person, as Oprah Winfrey would say, ‘anything you can imagine you can create’. Many successful celebrities have been known to practice visualization in order to help them achieve success such as Michael Jordan, Lindsey Vonn and Will smith.

According to EnVision visualization is the process of creating images in your mind, it can something simple or something more complex.

Get vivid with your imagination and visualize how you spend your time together, what conversations you would both have, and what activities you will do together. What is the weather like? What smells are in the air? How do you feel at this precise moment? Are you excited?  happy? Joyful?

Use as much detail as possible, because the more detail you use, the more it feels real, and research has shown that the brain doesn’t distinguish real from imagery. Better Up explains how it “trains your brain to respond as if the outcome were true in the present moment.”

I would advise spending some time visualizing at least twice a day, in the morning when you wake up and at night.

Visualization tools that can help you manifest are as follows:

3. Focus on your feelings

Manifesting a specific person isn’t just about focusing on your thoughts, you will also need to focus your attention on your emotions and what you feel. In turn, thoughts, visualizations and feelings go hand in hand. You have a thought, you visualize your ideal scenario from that thought in your mind, and when you visualize you create a positive feeling around this.

When we look at everything we desire, whether people or things, we actually REALLY want the feeling associated with the thing we desire.

For example, you want to manifest a loving relationship because it feels amazing to be in love. You feel relieved that you have found the right person and now you don’t have to endure any more terrible dates. You now feel safe and secure as you have someone to build a future with.

Those feelings we want to experience are those we need to experience in the present moment to manifest our specific person.

This is because Your feelings will create energy, which in turn will cause you to vibrate this energy out into the Universe. This energy should vibrate at the same frequency as your desire, so you can be a vibrational match for what you want.

This means the more positive emotions you feel for what you want, the more likely you are to succeed in bringing yourself in alignment with it, and that’s when said desire becomes your reality.

Love and joy are high vibrations, and apathy and jealousy are low vibrations, and you are more likely to manifest when you experience

There are various techniques that can help you to focus on your feelings in order to manifest your specific person:

  • Meditating
  • Journaling
  • Visualizing having your desires  

4. Surrender

This is the part that most people find the hardest because we often feel the need to try and control everything, thus making it hard to let go.

We feel that being in control will get us the results we desire, when in fact it is only pushing our desire further away from us.

We want to control the who, what, when, where and how, but we do not need to concern ourselves with these details as it is the universe’s job to take care of those not ours.

When we try to control aspects of our desire coming to us, we are affirming that we do not trust it will come to us, thus emitting fearful energy. This will distance you from the specific person you want to manifest.

By surrendering we are giving up our need for control and putting all our trust in the universe to give us what we want.

5. Be open to receiving something better than your specific person

At this point, you may be thinking that this goes against the whole point of the post as you came here to attract a specific person, but hear me out….

When manifesting I have always gone by the mantra: ‘this or something better’, because when we are open to manifesting something better, we are not attached to the outcome of manifesting our specific person, and we are telling the universe it is okay if we don’t receive exactly what we want, thus eliminating any resistance.

Also, who wouldn’t want something even better than what you have asked for?

The difficulty with manifesting a specific person is that everybody has free will, meaning we cannot force anybody to be a part of our lives if they do want to be.

We may also want things that are not for the highest good of all parties involved, therefore when you are manifesting a specific person you should always be willing and open to manifesting something better.

I remember a time when I applied for a job that I had always wanted, I didn’t get it, and I was completely devastated.

At the time, I believed it was the only job for me. However, a few months later I landed a job with a different company and remember thinking how grateful I was that I didn’t get the job I really wanted. Something better came along.

6. Don’t be put off by your current reality

If anything can keep us from our current desires, it is our current circumstances and our inability to maintain faith and belief when our reality shows us a different story from the one we wish to manifest.

When manifesting a desire, we have to focus on what we want and NOT our current reality. This is because focusing on our reality means we will begin to doubt that we can get what we want and we begin to believe that we cannot have what we want.

Believing you can’t have your specific person means you won’t get them.

7. Practice gratitude

Last but not least, we should always practice gratitude for what we are about to receive AND for everything we already have! Gratitude is known to be the magic ingredient to manifesting the life you want.

Being thankful creates abundance as according to The Law Of Attraction it confirms to the universe that it is already yours and it raises your vibration, thus bringing you in alignment with the universe.

Have you manifested a specific person into your life? Let us know in the comments below!

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