100 Affirmations For Kids – To Promote Positive Thinking


According to Kathryn Lively affirmations became popular in the 1920’s and are used to reprogram our mind and believe certain things about ourselves and help create the reality we want. Practising positive affirmations for kids can have a profound impact on how your child’s personal development and well-being. It encourages self-confidence, high self-esteem and positive thinking.

 Positive thinking enables your child to believe in themselves and their abilities, particularly when faced with challenges and during difficult times.  A positive thought process will also impact on how they see themselves and how they experience life.

We all want to raise well-rounded individuals who love and believe in themselves despite whatever life throws at them, so why not start incorporating positive affirmations into your child’s routine?

How can my child can practice positive affirmations?

  1. Get a diary, notebook or journal, used specifically for your child’s/children positive affirmations and encourage them to write daily positive affirmations. You can even spend time with your child decorating it to make it fun and creative.
  2. Incorporate positive affirmations into their daily routine (for example repeating the affirmations after breakfast or before bedtime.)  
  3. Spend time coming up with some of your own positive affirmations to repeat daily. You can also do yours with your child.
  4. Create or purchase some positive affirmations flashcards that you can use
  5. Print out the free printable that is available below for them to fill out

Positive affirmations for kids to build self-esteem and self-confidence and self-love  

All children should be taught and encouraged to love and value themselves for who they are. Encouraging confidence and self-esteem in children from an early age, helps to build resistant and well-rounded individuals who know their worth and can face all obstacles that life throws at them.

Bob Cunningham  explains how kids who have confidence and are secure about who they are more likely to have a growth mindset, which means they are self-motivators, can cope with and learn from mistakes and are more likely to stand up for themselves.   

  1. I face my fears
  2. It’s okay to be afraid sometimes
  3. I am a caring
  4. I am so loved
  5. I am lovable
  6. I give love and kindness to others
  7. I am good enough
  8. I am worthy
  9. I am perfectly imperfect
  10. I am brave
  11. I am courageous
  12. I stand up for what is right
  13. I think positive thoughts
  14. I have a positive attitude
  15. I am valuable
  16. I am proud of myself
  17. My mistakes don’t define who I am
  18. I am perfect, whole and complete
  19. I am capable of anything
  20. I believe in myself
  21. What I think about myself is all that truly matters
  22. I am kind to myself
  23. My future is very bright
  24. I appreciate who I am 
  25. I am powerful
Affirmations for kids: A girl wearing 'future leader T-shirt
pic by @capturedby_kiana

Affirmations for kids that focus on school

Aside from education, school is an environment that can shape a child’s personal development as not only do they learn academically but they will also learn other valuable skills that they will take through to adulthood such as:

  • Social skills/building relationships 
  • Emotional skills
  • Personal development around their identity and self  

School can also be a challenging time for children as they learn to navigate education, plus the above. Affirmation that’s focused on school can boost confidence in the school setting.

  1. I make plenty of friends
  2. I try my best in all subjects at school
  3. I am good at all subjects in school
  4. I am helpful to my classmates and teachers
  5. I am liked by all my classmates
  6. I look out for other kids that are having a difficult time
  7. I try my best with everything I do
  8. I am liked by all my teachers
  9. I am always ready to learn something new
  10. I love that everyone in my school is different from one another
  11. I have lots of good ideas
  12. I try my best at things I find hard
  13. I keep trying my best when I find something hard
  14. I can be ANYTHING I want to be when I grow up
  15. I am a problem solver
  16. Personality is what matters
  17. I show kindness to those that need it
  18. I make people feel included
  19. I love a new challenge
  20. I always make progress
  21. I accept that I am not good at everything, and that’s okay.
  22. There is no shame in failing
  23. Failure leads to success
  24. When I don’t succeed I try again
  25. I am creative and a problem solver
Affirmations for kids: kids doing work at school
Pic by @cdc

Positive affirmations for kids for the home environment

Having a healthy, happy, home environment is vital for a child to thrive and meet their full potential. Home is where the heart is and should be a safe space where children can practice being individuals and express themselves, without being judged and being loved unconditionally. Positive affirmations that focus on their home environment can improve all areas of their life.

  1. I am helpful around the house
  2. I am truly loved by my parents and siblings
  3. I am looked after and cared for
  4. My home is my happy place
  5. I feel joy when I am home
  6. I am respectful to others in my household
  7. My opinions matter
  8. My thoughts and feelings are taken into consideration
  9. My environment pushes me to grow and learn
  10. My boundaries are respected at home
  11. I respect other people’s privacy  
  12. It is okay for families to sometimes not get along, I am still loved
  13. My siblings and I are different from one another and that is what makes us individuals 
  14. I am my own person
  15. It’s okay to have different interests from my family
  16. My characteristics and personality are valued at home
  17. My home is filled with love, joy and happiness
  18. I can be myself at home
  19. My home is full of laughter
  20. I enjoy being the comfort of my own home
Affirmations for kids: parent doing affirmations with child
Pic by jimmydean

Positive affirmations to help manage emotions

  1. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength and not weakness
  2. It is okay to cry and be upset
  3. When I am upset I let someone know how I feel
  4. I am always comforted when I am upset
  5. I express my emotions safely and respectfully
  6. I have another
  7. I don’t have to feel guilty for the way I am feeling
  8. I always know that things will be okay in the end
  9. I look for sunshine in dark places
  10. My feels are valid
  11. I learn and grow from my mistakes
  12. I am allowed to feel angry hurt and upset
  13. I always bounce back when I am not feeling great
  14. I am full of joy
  15. Laughter is contagious
  16. My happiness is what matters most
  17. I choose to look for joy everywhere I go
  18. I choose to feel good today
  19. I think positive thoughts
  20. I when I feel good, good things happen
 Girl laying on grass, smiling and looking happy

Affirmations for kids to help make them feel better

Growing up and learning to manage relationships and emotions can be very difficult for children. There are many scenarios where children will be left feeling like are not good enough. Below are some affirmations that can help them to feel better and believe that they no matter the circumstances they are worthy.

  1. I can get through everything that makes me feel bad
  2. I am always comforted when I am upset
  3. When I am down I am always cheered up
  4. I am loved unconditionally
  5. I always focus on the positive
  6. I will be kind to myself
  7. In a world where I can be anything I choose be kind
  8. Doing things I enjoy helps me during bad days
  9. Good things happen to me all the time
  10. I do not compare myself to anyone

Now that you have plenty of positive affirmations for your child to begin using don’t forget to download your free printable below, so the kids can begin doing their positive affirmations and boosting their wellbeing!

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