100 Things To Be Grateful For – The Best Gratitude List


Gratitude is a feeling and a deep appreciation for what we have. It’s so important to always look for things to be grateful for because gratitude can transform our lives.

According to Health Harvard  gratitude is linked to greater happiness, positive emotions and improved health. It is also good for dealing with adversity and building stronger relationships. 

“When you arise in the morning give thanks, for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself” 

Tucumseh (1768-1813)

Things to be grateful for – Career & work

  1. Colleagues. We spend so much time at work that it’s good to have colleagues that you enjoy working with. The right colleagues can make your working day more fun and your work more enjoyable. 
  1. Work equipment. Imagine having to do your job with no equipment such as a laptop, work phone or other equipment to do your role effectively. Plus, it’s great having access to things such as scanners and printers that we can sneakily use for our personal affairs 😉 
  1. Your wages. Ultimately, most of us work to get paid. Be grateful for your paycheck at the end of the month/week. Although you have worked for it, being consistently grateful for your paycheck means allowing more to come to you. 
  1. The cleaners. Without the cleaners your workspace would be dirty and untidy and probably make being at work unpleasant. 
  1. Perks that you get at work. Most companies give perks for working there, for example, discounts in certain shops, access to counselling services, bonuses or schemes.  Take a moment to be grateful for these perks, even if you do not use them. 
  1. Annual leave. Without annual leave, we wouldn’t be able to take time off work, spend it with family and friends, and do things we enjoy. 
  1. Training. Most companies/businesses provide training to up-skill us and expand our knowledge. Training is also usually paid for by the company. 
  1. Routine. Working provides us with a routine which creates a structure to our lives. According to NM.ORG it promotes a much healthier lifestyle, and people who lack routine often suffer from poor sleeping, poor eating, stress and ineffective use of time. 
  1. Teamwork. Teamwork helps us reach goals, helps us get the best results, is an opportunity to learn from one another and is excellent for bonding with your colleagues. 
  1. Working from home. Working from home has many advantages we should be grateful for such as saving money on travel and having more time for ourselves and family in the evenings as we cut down the commute. 
  1. Flexibility. More and more workplaces are offering flexible working, like the above (working from home); workplaces also offer other flexible working arrangements for employers to have a better work/home life balance, including condensing hours, job sharing, time off for volunteer. 
  1. Working under pressure and challenges at work. Yes, you should be grateful for the challenges you endure at work. Work isn’t always easy, and there will indeed be times when it can be challenging. You should be thankful for this as it provides us with skills that will take us through life, such as resilience, working under pressure, and communicating effectively.
  1. Watercoolers. Don’t you just love that your work provides you with refreshing clean water from the water cooler to keep you hydrated throughout the day. 
  1. Office laughter. Laughing with our colleagues in the office can make the working day quicker and more fun. 
  1. Christmas parties. Most workplaces have Christmas gatherings and parties. It’s nice to be able to celebrate the festive period with our colleagues and also a chance to unwind and get merry. 
  1. Networking. Perhaps your job requires you to meet new people all the time it’s always good to network and learn from one another. 
  1. Competitors. Competitions challenge us, which means we are able to grow and develop our work in order to beat our competitors. You sure should be grateful for competitors. 
  1. The people who use your service/business. Without your customers and service users, your company probably wouldn’t exist, or you would be very bored at work! 
  1. Bonuses. It’s great when we get bonuses from work! The extra money always helps and shows that we are appreciated for our hard work.
  1.  Quirky colleagues. Quirky people make work much more enjoyable and exciting. 
100 things to be grateful for:flowers, pen, glasses and a envelope that reads 'thank you;.

Things to be thankful for at home

  1. Your warm bed. You should be grateful you have a warm, comfortable bed to sleep in that provides us with a great night’s sleep and leaves us refreshed for a new day. 
  1. Television. It’s great to be able to unwind and watch our favourite programmes on the television.
  1. Neighbours. If you get on with our neighbours can be great to have, they are there to help us out with favours; keep an eye out on our property when we are away. 
  1. Central heating. You are able to heat your house to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the winter months. This also prevents you from getting sick and maintaining good health.  
  1. Clean water. Your taps in your home provide you with clean water to nourish you and enable you to cook.   
  1. Electricity. Think about having a power cut and how difficult it is to live in your home comfortably, not being able to watch T.V use the lights or cook easily.
  1. Windows. They provide us with light and enable us to see outside without having to leave the house. 
  1. Creature comforts. A home is where all our creature comforts live, our favourite things that we often take for granted, such as our fluffy slippers, best mug and favourite treats. We often overlook the small things that make us happy. 
  1. Shower and Bath. Having a shower and bath allows you to keep yourself clean and hygienic. 
  1.  Pets. Our furry friends are family members we choose to have that provide us with happiness and love. 
  1. Washing machine. Having clean clothes is a basic human necessity.
  1. Gatherings. Having a place where friends and family can gather together is essential for our happiness, quality time and creating memories. 
  1. Fridge-freezer. Having a fridge-freezer enables us to store our food. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to store leftovers and fresh food. 
  1. Kettle. You can’t beat a hot drink in the morning, evening or throughout the day. 
  1.  Internet. We would be lost without the internet. It provides us with quick, easy access to information, shop and stay connected with friends and family.
  1. Community. Our communities where we live can really come together and help one another in times of need.
  1. Garden. The pandemic made us all appreciate our gardens and how grateful we should be for them. It is great to relax or party in them on a hot summer’s day.  
  1. Radiators. They allow heat into our home, keeping us nice and toasty in the winter months.  
  1. Furniture – for making our home look nice, storing our things and making us comfortable. 

20. Carpets – For making our home comfortable and insulated.

A gratitude journal

Material things to be grateful for

  1. Car. Having a car is so convenient and gets us from A to B it can also make getting around so much easier. You can genuinely have a lot of independence when you have a car. 
  1. Clothes. Clothes keep us warm we are cold, excellent when we are hot and can also make us feel good. 
  1. Handbags. We are able to take all the things we need out with us due to bags. 
  1. Shoes. Shoes protect our feet against germs and diseases and prevent us from hurting ourselves.  
  1. Makeup. Make-up enhances our beauty and makes us feel good. Even if we don’t wear it, it’s nice to have the choice too on special occasions and it’s very accessible for all budgets. 
  1. Perfumes/aftershave. They make us smell sensational!   
  1. Skincare.  Having healthy skin is so essential for our confidence and self-esteem. Skincare products help us gain a healthy skincare routine. 
  1. Toiletries. Shower gel, toothpaste, mouth wash, deodorant and moisturising are all a part of our daily routine that we would struggle to live without. 
  1. Mobile phones. Phones enable us to easily communicate with people, near and far, give us easy access to information and intelligent technology. I think its safe to say that most of us would be lost without our phones. 
  1. Netflix. It’s great to ‘Netflix and chill’ after a hard day or when you want to unwind and relax. 
  1. Books. Reading expands knowledge, vocabulary and improves communication.  It is great to get lost in a good book. 
  1. Jewellery. Not only does jewellery look nice, it’s also quite special, especially if it is given as a gift or has sentimental value. 
  1. Gifts. We should always be grateful when we receive a gift from someone. It’s thoughtful and kind when other people spend their money on you.
  1. T.V. It is great for relaxing and keeping up with arts and culture.
  1. Satnav. They are great for getting around places we are not familiar with.  
  1. Laptop. Our laptops are multifunctional, and we can use them for pleasure and work. 
  1. Social Media. Social media has many benefits; we should be grateful that it allows us to stay connected with friends and family, especially when we cannot see them. 
  1. Hairdryers. It is excellent for grooming us. 
  1. Hair straighteners. Are great for styling our hair and making us look and feel good. 
  1. House. We should all be grateful that we have somewhere to call home. Sadly, not everybody has a roof over their head. 
100 things to be grateful for: A happy man that is practicing gratitude

Things to be thankful for – Body & Health

  1. Vaccines. We should be truly grateful that we have access to vaccines. They protect our bodies from infections, diseases and illnesses. 
  1. Doctors and Nurses. They save our lives, look after us when we are sick and help us get better. 
  1. Medicine. It prevents us from becoming ill, cures our illness when we are sick and prevents us from experiencing pain and discomfort. 
  1. Our hands and fingers. They enable us to pick things up, write, type and make our daily living really easy 
  1. Our teeth. Everyone loves a smile, plus our teeth enable us to eat all our favourite foods. 
  1. Our Lungs. They absorb oxygen and transfer it around our bodies in order to keep us alive. 
  1. Our eyes. They enable us to see beautiful nature, our friends and family and beautiful colours. 
  1. Food. Food nourishes our bodies and enables us to be in good health. 
  1. Legs. Our legs make it easier to get around, exercise, dance, hike and go for walks.  
  1. Vitamins and minerals. Help to provide our body with that what it needs. 
  1. Sleep. Like breathing, eating and drinking rest is as vital for health and wellbeing. We should be grateful for a good night’s sleep and the fact that it keeps us healthy and well.
  1. Heart. We should be grateful to our hearts for pumping blood around our body.  
  1. Brain.  The organ that controls every process that regulates our body. Without it, we wouldn’t be here. 
  1. Hospitals. A place where we get looked after and treated for our sicknesses. 
  1. Health equipment. For helping to advance medicine and aiding our recovery from illness.
  1. Emergency services. They provide us with care and help in terms of emergencies.
  1. Health researchers and scientists. Without them, there would not be big advances in medicine. 
  1. Volunteers. We should be grateful for volunteers that participate in clinical trials that enable scientist and researchers to make advances in medicine. 
  1. Contraception. Sexual health is essential for our health and wellbeing and prevents us from getting infections. 
  1. Glasses/contact lenses. They enable us to see better.   
100 things to be grateful for: A cup of coffee with a note besides it that states -'enjoy the little things

Other things to be grateful for

  1. Friends – For being by our side in the goodtimes, bad and for creating amazing memories with us.   
  1. Family – For providing us with unconditional love, support and guidance. 
  1. Human rights – For protecting us, upholding our rights and punish those that breach them. 
  1. Difficult times – For allowing us to grow, learn and build resilience and strength. 
  1. Holidays – For providing an escape from our complex lives and giving us an opportunity to see different parts of the world.  
  1. Nature – For allowing us to connect with the universe/god and surrounding us with beauty
  1. Fun activities – For the days when we want to unwind and fun. 
  1. Education – For allowing us to learn and develop skills and knowledge that enable us to contribute to society  
  1. Kindness from strangers – For unexpectedly brightening up our day when we least expect it 
  1. Peace – For providing us with time to gather our thoughts, reflect and look within 
  1. Animals – For being critical to our ecosystem and day to day lives 
  1. Laughter – For making us feel good! 
  1. Love – For giving us purpose and a reason to experience life to the fullest. 
  1. Technology – For allowing society to keep on advancing and progressing.  
  1. Our enemies – For teaching us valuable lessons.
  1. Freedom of speech – For allowing us to express ourselves.
  1. Sunshine – For giving us that feel good factor! 
  1. Children – For bringing out our inner child and keeping us on our toes. 
  1. The elderly. For providing us with wisdom 
  1. Life – for being able to wake up every morning and experience another day.

Final thoughts

There are so many reasons to be grateful, even during the hardest of times and in our complex lives we can often overlook our blessings. Most of us believe we are grateful, we say please and thank you when needed and express our gratitude when we see fit, but gratitude is about much more than that. Its about practicing the feeling of deep appreciation often, for what you have; not matter how big or small.

We should aim to practice gratitude everyday, taking a few moments to sit and count our blessings. So use the above list as a guide for all you are grateful for, when we incorporate practicing things to be grateful for into our daily lives, it can and will change your whole outlook on life.

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