11 Hard Life Truths Nobody Wants to Hear

Life truths: Quote that reads 'tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?


Life is a gift, and we should be immensely grateful for it, but let’s be honest, it’s hard work. There will be dark times, tough lessons to learn and you will endure your fair share of pain and suffering. This is why it’s important to understand and acknowledge some harsh life truths, rather than being ignorant to the fact that our lives will be plain sailing.

1. Not everybody that comes into our life is meant to stay

One of our first life truths is that we will meet many people in this lifetime. Some we will grow to love and couldn’t imagine doing life without them, some will be easily forgettable, and others will leave lasting memories.

Some people will come into our lives to teach us valuable lessons, some people will come to enrich it, and others will help us learn and grow. Regardless of the people you meet and the relationship that you have with them, not everyone that comes into your life is meant to stay.  

This may disappoint us, but I like to think that people come and go at the right time, the important thing to remember is that when someone leaves our life, trust that they have served their purpose, they have left at the right time, and new relationships will be born.

2. We will endure plenty of tough times

Tough times in life are inevitable, it would be simply impossible to go through life without having to face some difficulties.

Despite this, (you may not think it at the time) but adversity is important. Difficult times build strength and resilience. It enables us to be grateful for all that is good in our life it can sometimes strengthen our relationships with those we love.

The important thing to remember is that tough times don’t last forever and it’s during the most difficult moments in life that we learn the greatest lessons

With learning and developing healthy coping skills, we can get through anything and live to tell the tale.

Life truths: Girl in black jacket sat down with hand on her face looking fed up

3. The people we love will hurt us

One of my least favourite life truths is that we will all experience hurt and pain from those we love, care about or are fond of. Perhaps they didn’t mean to hurt us, and most of the time they usually don’t, or perhaps they were wolves in sheep’s clothing and never had our best interests at heart.

Whatever the circumstances, people will disappoint us and hurt us and Arron Ben-Zeev in Psychology Today explains how love is closely connected to vulnerability, meaning those we love have the ability to hurt us.  

4. You may not achieve your dreams

Goals and dreams give us purpose and hope, it’s exciting to have a dream, it provides us with enthusiasm, motivation and a zest for life.

As much as I would love to say that everybody achieves their dreams, while many do and are successful in doing so, unfortunately, many people don’t.

For many, it will always be a fantasy that they don’t seek to act on. Some May even chase them but not achieve what they set out to achieve, others may be affected by circumstances that make it harder or prevent you from going after what they want.  

One of the main reasons people don’t chase their dreams is fear. Fear that they may fail along the way and fear of being rejected, and fear of taking risks as it is much easier to stay in your comfort zone.

With all being said, we all have a choice, and you can decide if you want to go after what you want.

5. Life will get boring

You wake up at the same time every day, see the same people you usually see throughout the week, do the same tasks at work and come home and do the same chores you usually do.

Whilst most of us are on autopilot, and our routines just become second nature, it’s likely that at some point this can get boring and everything feels a little dull. If this happens, it’s likely time you need a change, even if it’s a small change.

Sadly we can’t have fun and excitement all the time, and as much as we should, you may crave excitement and something good to happen that will put the spring back in your step, and you of course can your life.

In this case, even making little changes to your life can help switch things up when you are feeling bored or even practising gratitude will help you feel content with what you have.

life truths: Girl looking through the window with her hand on her face looking bored.

6. We will fail over and over again

They say nothing worth having comes easy and along the way, you will fail multiple times.

There are some valuable lessons that failure can teach us, and we do reach our goals and success we appreciate it even more.

Don’t give up, failure is a part of the journey!

7. Bad things will happen to us

You may not want to hear this, but life is unfair, and it’s full of twists and turns. You should always expect the unexpected. One minute you can be happy and living your best life and something can happen completely out of the blue to turn your world upside down.

There is no explanation to give as to why bad things may happen to us, and I guess we can just put it down to being a part of life, but one thing is for certain, you can get through everything you endure with the willingness and coping skills to do so.

8. Sometimes our best just isn’t good enough

My late Nan always used to tell me life truths, one of those being ‘all you can do is try your best’ and whilst this statement is true, as we can’t give anything more than that, sadly ‘our best’ isn’t enough to get us what we want or where we need to be.

9. You may not find love

As humans, it is natural to want to find love and someone to spend the rest of your life with, but despite what they tell us in the fairytales not everyone meets their knight in shining armour.

This is probably the last thing that single people want to hear, and whilst people say there is someone out there for everyone, this is not a fact, and if there is, there is no guarantee that you will meet them in this lifetime.

There are plenty of people that don’t ever experience romantic love, but it isn’t the end of the world, and you can live a rich and fulfilling life without having a significant other. Love also doesn’t have to come from a romantic relationship, it also comes from friends, family, colleagues and even strangers.

Life truths: A picture of a red broken heart on a red and black background

10. Nobody is coming to rescue us

We don’t have to wait like a damsel in distress for someone to come and save us. People we love and care for may provide us with support and all we have in the end is ourselves, therefore we should all learn to be our heroes.

11. Not everyone will like us

One of our final life truths is that we will meet various different people during our lifetime but we will not get on with everyone that we met. Everyone cannot like us and neither will we like everyone we meet, and that is absolutely fine! Most of the time it is just a clash of personalities

Final thoughts

You may think that this post is all doom and gloom, but its aim is to highlight some life truths; that it isn’t always easy, and it was never meant to be.

We all want a good life, and by ‘good life’ I mean, setting out to achieve what we hope to achieve, giving love and being loved, doing the things we find joy in and being surrounded by those we care about.

We want our life to have purpose and meaning, and we want to LIVE and not just exist.

With that being said there are plenty of amazing things we experience, love laughter, fun, and happiness We have to take the rough with the smooth and trust that everything will be okay in the end.

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