12 Amazing Life Mottos Everyone Should Live By!

Life mottos: Girl having fun


Motto’s are often short sentences or phrases that express belief. I believe we should all have mottos in life that we can live by, resonate with us and align with our values and beliefs.

The motto’s I live by, have certainly helped me put things into perspective when facing adversity or when I have been hurt.

They have provided comfort and assurance at a time when I have needed it most, and encouraged a more positive outlook on life.

A motto to follow in life can also be useful in helping us change our behaviour. They can even be used as affirmations for developing a more positive outlook on life.

As we go through life, we will find ourselves in many situations and experiencing many different experiences. Some of which will be positive and negative. having mottos in life that we can resonate with can help give you the boost to keep going!

1. Not everyone that comes into you life is meant to stay

During the course of our life, we will come across many people, some will leave lasting memories and some won’t. Some will help us to learn and grow, and some will teach us valuable life lessons.

Of all the people we will meet, we wont have lasting relationships with everyone.

Some may stay in our life for a short time , and some may stay for a long time. Ultimately, we need to acknowledge that not everyone that comes into our life is meant to stay.

When we understand this, we don’t become so attached to people. We appreciate the people in our lives and what they bring to it.

We savour the time we have with them, trusting that the universe brings the right people in our life at the right time. After all, people come, and people go, and that’s okay.

2. Tough times don’t last forever

I have certainly been through my fair share of tough times, as has everyone else. As much as it is difficult, these times certainly test our character and strengthen our skill set.  

The difficult times can help us grow as individuals, builds resilience, can help us to be grateful for what we have, overcome adversity and even find purpose.

When going through difficulty, it can often be hard to see light at the end of the tunnel, but nothing last forever and that includes our darkest moments.

Holding on to this thought during difficult times can be extremely comforting, for we acknowledge that there are better days ahead.

life mottos: Sign that states 'difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations'
pic by @helloimnik

3. Tomorrow isn’t promised

Most of us live life on autopilot, we have routines that are ingrained in our everyday living, we get up, go to work, cater to our families, take care of our homes and make time for things that we enjoy and love doing.

We can often take life for granted, forgetting how grateful we should be to see another day, to kiss our children goodnight and to have office banter with our colleagues.

We forget how much of a blessing it is to be given a second chance, when we awake in the morning, a chance to start again, for it’s a new day.

If it’s anything that makes us realise that tomorrow isn’t promised is the sudden passing of a loved one.

It can make you think about how life is very short and that we should love deeply and savour every sweet moment we have because the only guarantee that we have in life is that one day we will no longer be here so try to start living more mindfully, with intention and purpose.

4. Live and let live

Imagine a world without diversity, rich culture, differences, changes, values and attitudes. This is what makes our societies special, and we should not only accept these differences but value them.

When we ‘live and let live’ we accept that we are all different and that everyone should be free to live their life the way they choose to. We don’t criticize, condemn or have ill feelings towards those that that are different to us or choose to live their life different to the way we live ours, and in return, we expect the same.

Those who ‘live and let live’ often adapt easily to social norms and societal changes and can live in harmony with our neighbours.

5. Rome wasn’t built in a day

When I first began blogging, I often felt like quitting and deleting my site because I worked tirelessly creating content and perfecting my site for barely anyone to view it, and this was disheartening to say the least. I regularly had to remind myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

The proverb implies that sometimes things can take time and we must master patients and avoid rushing the process.  According to Entrepreneur being patient has many benefits such as giving hope, smart decision-making, self-possession and tolerance.

6. ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ – Susan Jeffers

Fear, we all feel it, it’s a perfectly normal emotion and part of being human. Fear is something that we all experience so it’s important to live by this motto to prevent fear from getting the better of us and holding us back from reaching our potential, achieving our goals and dreams, or even experiencing love.

‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ is a book written by Susan Jeffers, she explains that fear should not stop us from moving forward and that it isn’t a psychological problem but an educational one. The book teaches us how to handle and channel that fear so we can live life the we want to live it.

pic by @brett_jordan

7. All that you seek is already within you

This is my favourite motto in life to live by and I am reminded of this every time I desperately want something because I will make it will be happier. It implies that everything you want and need is already within you and that you don’t need to look outside of yourself for the things you desire. 

You may find this a difficult concept to grasp as you might be thinking ‘well I want to find a romantic partner, so I am not sure how they are within me’ but if you strip back the layers and look within for the reasons you want to find love, you will begin to understand that we only desire things because of the way that we think it will make us feel.

An example of this, might be finding love will make you:

  • Feel beautiful and sexy
  • Feel relieve that you don’t have to date anymore and deal with disappointments
  • A relationship will make you feel loved

Now spend some time thinking about how you can make yourself feel the above. If you want to feel relieve, then let go of your desires and put your trust and faith that the universe will conspire to give you what you want.

If you want to feel sexy, then commit to wearing your favourite hairstyle at least once a week.  

The same goes for love, if you want to feel loved then give love to others and begin loving yourself

It is never about anyone else and always about us. There is nothing that anyone can give to us that we can’t already give to ourselves.

8. ‘Let go with who you think you are supposed to be and be who you are’ – Brene Brown

We are greatly influenced by our parents, siblings, friends, even strangers on the internet and characters on the T.V.

Everywhere we look we are being told how we should look, what we should do, what’s acceptable and what’s not. It can be really difficult to be our authentic selves in a society that dictates what is acceptable.

This phrase means that life is too short to live it for anyone else.

We will be much happier and have a much better experience, if we live life by being true to ourselves. Lets stick our fingers up to those that say we should be anything but ourselves!

life mottos: A sign that says 'this is who I am'
pic by @iamfelicia

9. ‘We are what we think’ – Lord Buddha

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? This phrase explains how our thoughts create our experiences. If you mainly think negative thoughts, then this is likely to be a reflection of your reality.

If you are optimistic and focus on positivity, joy and gratitude, then you are more likely to have positive experiences.

10. Treat others as you wish to be treated

We should all live by this motto in life. We all want to be treated with respect and kindness so we should treat others the same.

If you wouldn’t like certain behaviour inflicted upon you, then you shouldn’t inflict that behaviour on others. If you do good to others, it comes back to you tenfold.

11. Great things happen when we leave our comfort zone

In our comfort zone we get complacent, we don’t have to take risks, it’s safe here. You don’t have to worry, and there is little chance of anything to going horribly wrong.

The thing about our comfort zone is that it can get a little boring and dissatisfying.

We find ourselves stuck in a rut, craving more and desperately wanting change, but at the same time fear can stop us from leaving that comfort zone.

leaving our comfort zone means we have chance to achieve our dreams, face our fears and grow as individuals.

Dave Asprey explains how you can get out of your comfort zone.

12. When life gives you lemons make lemonade

This motto means we should make the most out of difficult situations, since we cannot control them. This phrase encourages a positive attitude even during tough times.

Following mottos in life can certainly help us through adversity and encourage a positive mindset .

Now we have looked at life mottos everyone should live by.

Don’t forget, Let us know your favourite mottos in the comments below.

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