80 Powerful Daily Mantra’s For Self Love


Similar to affirmations, self love mantras can help you to foster a positive self image and reinforce beliefs that support self acceptance and compassion.

There is so much information about self-love and its importance in society, our communities, and on social media, it’s no wonder that many of us are starting to love ourselves on a deeper level.  

Brain & Behaviour explains that self-love is about having a deep appreciation for yourself, that grows from actions that support physical, psychological, and spiritual growth.

The most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself, when we truly love ourselves, it can transform our whole world.

Self-love holds the key to your happiness, authenticity and greatest desires. This is because when we love ourselves, we accept ourselves for who we are, we know our worth and have better relationships with those around us.

Self-love consists of:

  • Being kind to yourself
  • Avoid criticizing yourself
  • Put yourself first
  • Being honest with yourself
  • Practice forgiveness
  • Accepting your ‘flaws’
  • Work on areas where you feel you could improve
  • Honoring your feels
  • Learning to say ‘no’
  • Not feeling guilty when decision you have made

What are mantras?

Yoga Journal states that the word ‘mantra’ comes from Sanskrit words – ‘manas’, which means ‘mind’ and ‘tra’, which means ‘tool’, and mantra means ‘tool of the mind’. It goes on to explain how it used to help people access a higher power and their true natures.  

Mantras originate from Hindu and Buddhist traditions but are practiced worldwide, and they were specifically used to help with concentration during meditation or prayer.  

Anahana states that in today’s society, mantras are used outside of meditation and prayer, and include affirmations that benefit us, and this new definition of mantra has opened the exercise to the world, despite whether you are spiritual or religious.

mantras for self love: white wall that says the words 'self Love'

How can self-love mantras help?

Practising self-love mantra’s will help you to cultivate more self-love, which in turn, encourages self-confidence, high self-esteem and positive thinking. The more you consistently practice these mantras, you should begin to feel a deeper appreciation for yourself over time.

We all want to feel good and be well-rounded individuals who love and believe in ourselves despite life often showing us we are ‘not good enough so why not start incorporating self love mantras into your routine , meditation or prayer practice.

Self love mantras offer a pathway to a more loving and fulfilling relationship with oneself.

How to practice self-love Mantras?

  • You should start by getting a journal or notebook to write down the mantras that resonate with you
  • Find a space where you will not be disturbed, sit in a comfortable position and repeat your mantras slowly
    • Keep your eyes closed and focus on the words you are speaking, if you loose focus just bring it back to the words you are speaking
    • Practice for a minimum of ten minutes
    • Practice ‘mirror works’ – Louise Hay Explains how the most powerful mantras are the ones that you practice in front of the mirror because as you do mirror work you will be mindful of the things you say and the mirror reflects back to you the feelings you have about yourself. You will need to keep your eyes open for this practice.
    100 self-love affirmations:

    1. I am completely worthy of love
    2. I love myself and value myself so much that I attract it into my life
    3. I am making room for more love in my life
    4. I give love to others and it comes back to me tenfold
     5.I deserve to be loved unconditionally
    6. I am loved unconditionally and divinely protective
    7. I am shown love wherever I go
    8. I committed to loving myself and those around me
    9. I always feel wanted
    10. I accept my worthiness and value
    11. I radiate love
    12. Strangers are always kind to me
    13. I am love
    14. I am rich, rich in love 
    15. I embrace everyone I meet with a loving heart
    16. Everything I do for other people is done with love in my heart
    17. I deserve love, affection and happiness
    18. I allow the universe to bring more love into my life
    19. Love is all around me
    20. My heart is open to receiving love 
    21.   True happiness is loving and accepting myself for who I am
    22.   I am perfectly imperfect
    23.   I embrace all my flaws
    24.   I was made with intention
    25.   I understand that my worthiness starts and ends with myself
    26.   Everyday I love myself a little more than yesterday
    27.   I am strong, resilient and adaptable
    28.   I deserve the very best that life has to offer
    29.   I love my body
    30.   I am kind to myself
    31.   I am beautiful
    32.   When I am unkind to myself, I remember how beautiful, smart and amazing I am
    33.   I trust myself wholeheartedly
    34.   I bring value to the table
    35.   I am proud of myself
    36.   I aspire to be the best version of myself
    37.   I understand that my worth is not determined by possessions or other people’s opinions
    38.   I am beautiful on the inside and on the outside
    39.   I express my thoughts and opinions with confidence
    40.   I understand that I am in control of my own life
    41.   I am capable of meeting all my dreams and goals
    42.   I let go of everything that does not serve me
    43.   I respect myself and therefore, I set the boundary for everyone else to respect me
    44.   I treat people with respect and kindness, and that’s how I am treated in return
    45.   My body is a temple, and I treat it that way
    46.   I put my health and wellbeing first and foremost
    47.   I take time out for self-care
    48.   I prioritise my wants and needs
    49.   My feelings are valid
    50.   I am grateful for all that I have in my life
    51.   I am grateful for all I am yet to receive
    52.   I honour myself
    53.   I am unique and I embrace my uniqueness
    54.   There is no one else like me
    55.   I am patient with myself
    56.   I am comfortable in my skin
    57.   I believe in my abilities
    58.   I am able to recognize when something is not right for me
    59.   I walk away from situations that do not serve me 
    60.   I inspire others 
    61.   I am an inspiration 
    62.   The more I practice self-love the higher my self esteem becomes
    63.   My self-worth is not defined by relationship status 
    64.   My self-worth is not defined by my job or how much money I have 
    65.   I honour my feelings 
    66.   I trust my intuition
    67. I am not afraid to say ‘no’ when needed
    68. I practice assertive behavior
    69. I am thankful for all the good things in my life
    70. I embrace my differences
    71. I can do anything I want to do
    72. I am intelligent
    74. I am able to find solutions for my problems
    75. My life is a blessing
    76. I exude confidence wherever I go
    77. My soul shines bright
    78. I am glowing
    79. All my features are perfect as they are
    80. self-love brings me happiness and joy

    100 affirmations for self-love: a picture of a sign that says 'self-love'

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