How To Raise Your Vibration: 15 Effective Ways


How do we raise our vibration? Lets start by explaining what one is. A vibration is an emotional state of being that can change frequently. When we are vibrating high, we often feel really good and experience positive emotions such as happiness, joy, excitement, pride, hope, gratitude, and love.   

When we are vibrating low, we are often experiencing negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, pity, resentment, bitterness, sadness and hate. 

As humans, it would be unrealistic to say that we can vibrate on a high frequency 100% of the time, especially in our complex, busy lives, and we all need a vibrational boost from time to time, so check out how to raise your vibration with the 15 most effective ways.

1. Listening to music

Music is a part of our life and accessible to everyone. It is a great way to help you raise your vibration. Have you ever listened to your favourite song repeatedly and felt great awards? Or been listening to party anthems at home and suddenly feel the urge to want to go out, party and have fun?! That’s because music is a great way to change our vibration and research shows that listening to music can make you happier, especially when intentionally used to improve your mood!! 

I would recommend having a playlist of songs with positive messages that make you feel happy and boost confidence, self-love and worth. 

Alexa, play Pharrell Williams – ‘Happy’ 😀

2. Being around uplifting people

By ‘uplifting’ I mean people who positively impact you. Those friends, family, or colleagues make you feel good when you are around them. Those whose company you enjoy being in make you feel better when you are down in the dumps and can offer support, love, words of encouragement and lend a listening ear (without judgement) when needed. 

Those around us can also influence us, so if we surround ourselves with positive, uplifting and caring people, we will likely mirror this behaviour too!  

3. Avoiding people who make you feel bad

There is some truth to the saying ‘misery needs company’. If we want to raise our vibration, it is probably best to swerve these people. When we are vibrating low, the last thing we want is another individual keeping us there. These people may make us feel bad about ourselves, put us down, focus only on negative things, constantly gossip, speak badly about others, and moan about everything. 

4. Being in nature

According to, being in nature can improve your mental and physical health by reducing feelings of stress and anger, helping you feel more relaxed and helping individuals become more physically active. 

Being in nature is also great for helping with feelings of contentment and practising mindfulness as we get the opportunity to relax and appreciate the beauty around us. 

A simple walk in the park or planting some flowers in the back garden can be for raising your vibration! 

How to raise your vibration: People walking through the park observing nature

5. Doing things we love and enjoy

Okay, so we all love doing things we enjoy, and it’s necessary to participate in such activities to give us a healthy balance in our life, especially since we can find ourselves stuck in routines and pressures from everyday life. 

Doing things we enjoy can evoke positive emotions such as joy and happiness and, according to the NHS, can improve your emotional wellbeing and improve your day.  

So whether you want to binge a boxset on Netflix or go hiking in Northumberland, always make time for things you love! 

6. Limit alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant, which can affect your mood and behaviour due to the chemical messengers in the brain being affected when you drink. Although alcohol may cheer you up and help you to feel relaxed for a short time, it provides a false sense of security because long term, it can impact our mental health and is linked to depression and anxiety. – The Mental Health Foundation 

7. Limit time on social media

It is important to limit the time you spend on social media. According to Health Guide studies have shown a link between heavy social media usage and depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal ideation. 

Social media can also make us feel like we are not enough because we see the best parts of other people’s lives, which can make us feel inadequate and even envious. 

studies suggest limiting social media to 30 minutes a day for improvement of well-being. Yet, according to Statista Research Department, the average daily social media usage for 2022 is 147 minutes per day, up by 2 minutes from last year.  

8. Exercise

We are all aware that exercise is brilliant for your physical health. Still, it is also proven to be very effective for your emotional well-being and mood, which is brilliant for raising your vibration. This is because exercise releases endorphins that help us to feel good and according to Helpguide, It can help with depression, anxiety, stress and even higher self-esteem. 

The NHS recommend at least 150 hours of moderate-intensity activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week for 19 – 65-year-olds. 

How to raise your vibration: women exercising in the gym

8. Meditation

Meditation has many benefits and it can be one of the most effective ways to change our vibration because it can improve our emotional wellbeing. According to Headspace meditation can change our mindset and perspective by altering our brains to think more positive thoughts and emotions. 

Meditation can also put you in a relaxed, calm state, helping you to look at a different perspective and boost positivity. 

9. Practice selfcare

Like doing things we enjoy practicing self-care help raise our vibration because it allows us to take care of our emotional wellbeing. Often if we are feeling low an act of self-care can boost our mood and help us feel better, whether that be some retail therapy or a hot bubble bath, prioritise taking care of yourself. 

10. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational frequencies, and when we are grateful we tend to be happier, joyful and content. 

Gratitude is about more than about saying ‘thank you’. It is about having a deep appreciation for life and all that makes it. 

When we express gratitude, it can improve our lives and can help people feel more positive emotions, improve health and build strong relationships – Harvard Health

“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.”

– Techumseh (1768-1813

11. Laughter

Laughter is the best medicine and there is probably nothing better than having a laugh to help raise your vibration. Like exercise (mentioned above) laughter also releases endorphins which make us feel good. 

It has many other health and wellbeing benefits such as improving memory, reducing stress, easing physical pain and boosting heart health – VeryWellMind 

So next time you want to raise your vibration don’t hesitate to go through some funny videos or watch your favourite comedy.  

How to raise your vibration: 2 young girls laughing and having a good time

12. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is simply about practicing being present and detaching from the past and future. To be mindful we must pay attention to our thoughts and feelings in the present with judgement.

psychologytoday explains how mindfulness can help lower stress, reduce harmful ruminating, and lessen depression and anxiety. 

Mindful gives some amazing tips on how to practice mindfulness.  

13. Acts of kindness

Not only is doing something nice for someone just an all-around good thing to do, but it can also help you raise your vibration. This is because it doing something nice for someone can boost our mood and make us feel good. 

‘Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, a honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around’


You don’t have to make big grand gestures to be kind to others. In fact, simple acts such as holding a door open for someone or giving up your seat for someone else can make a world of difference and make you a happier person!

15. Reading

Getting lost in a good book has endless benefits, from improving your vocabulary and expanding your knowledge to improving your communication skills. But reading can also help to raise your vibration by helping you feel calm and more relaxed.


To conclude, there are various different things that we can consciously practice to raise our vibration. A raised vibration can have many great benefits to our life because when we vibrate high, we feel better about ourselves and are more grateful, happier and well-rounded individuals. This means that we can go on to attract unlimited abundance!!!  

5 responses

  1. A Very INTERESTING and informative read, beautifully written and empowering. I will try to use this moving forward for my own personal well Being.

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